Anthers, Ovaries, and Stigmas: Introducing Breeding in Flowerpatch
Hey everyone, the team here at Flowerpatch is excited to announce the release of update 1.7.0. With this update comes the release of Breeding! This new mechanic allows you to interact with your Flower cards in a whole new way, allowing you to selectively breed your own unique Flower cards.
How Breeding Works
Breeding allows players to combine the genetics of two Flower cards to make a child Flower with unique characteristics. If you’re lucky, your child Flower could be superior to its parents, as the breeding algorithm allows for a jump in at most one rarity level.
Seen above is the result of breeding two epic Flowers, Champagne High and Aesthetic. In most cases, the child will be of lower rarity than its parents, but with the help of the mutability genetics (described below) of the parents, lucky breeding rolls will result in a jump in rarity level. Thus, with enough attempts, this Champagne Aesthetic can become a legendary Flower.
In order to breed Flower cards, you must plant your Flower in the Flowerpatch Game World, adjacent to another Flower. After your Flower grows up, you can click on it in order to breed it with adjacent Flowers. Diagonals count!
Each time you breed a pair of cards, it will cost about $2.50, and you maintain ownership of the parent(s), as well as the children. Roughly 25% of this fee will be automatically sent to the person that you bred with. This means it’s possible to earn money from having desirable Flower strains.
It may seem like some child Flowers’ stats vary wildly from their parents; our breeding algorithm not only incorporates the parent’s stats, but also random mutations. The mutability stat on every card will increase the chance of deviation from the average stat between the parents, as follows:
Cᵣ is the rarity of the child Flower, P1ᵣ is the rarity of the first parent, P2ᵣ is the rarity of the second parent, and Cᵐ is the mutation genetic of the child Flower (which is derived from the parents’ mutation genetics).
Patch 1.7.0 Notes
- Breeding! Check out /breed to get started. You’ll need at least two Flowers.
- Added unit tests for vital back-end processes, including breeding & rarity calculations. All components pass all tests.
- Fixed a small rarity display algorithm bug which displayed the wrong rarity emblem on certain Flowers. All Flowers now show the correct rarity emblem.
Looking Forward
Over the next couple weeks, the Flowerpatch team is focusing on polishing up both the visual style and organization to our website. We’ll be deploying a static-preview image API service that will allow 3rd parties (such as P2P ERC721 Exchanges) to display our Flower cards in their system. This is a necessary step to make peer-to-peer Flower trading a reality.
In addition to the Flower preview service, there will be updates to Flower appearance, as well as random small improvements to the website. On top of this, we want to create a more community driven flower market. We’ll be adding our second card set: The Crypto Flower Set, which will contain two unusual cards, two rare cards, and an epic card. Every card in this pack is designed by the community, and we think they will be fantastic additions to the Flowerpatch gene pool.
As of writing this blog post, we are reviewing over 100 entries to the crypto-themed Flower Design Competition taking place in our Discord this week.
We’ll be selecting the best 5 cards to be featured as part of this limited-edition set. Once the winners are selected, the set will be featured on the official Flowerpatch Market!
We’re excited to see the results of breeding cards together, old and new, and we hope you all are too.
Happy farming everyone!
— The Nugbase Team
[Updated with Breed Fee Sharing & Game World Info, Jan 2020]