Introducing Nugbase Flowerpatch
A cannabis farming MMO that rewards you with real cannabis
Late last year, a group of friends were sitting around a coffee table in California, enjoying some fine cannabis, and talking about crypto. We were all long time crypto idealists, so talk turned to projects that we could do ourselves. That was the birth of NUG, our stable coin backed by redemption in cannabis. NUG is the first stable coin based on a highly liquid consumable commodity.
We were unimpressed with the other crypto projects going on in the cannabis space. All of them were building generic cryptocurrencies that were not substantially different from Bitcoin. Most of them became privacy-oriented coins, which reduced their utility further, in a highly regulated industry. Some of them seemed like well designed cash grabs and nothing more. None of them were based on Ethereum’s smart contracts system. We wanted to really add value, and create something that was politically and economically sound. As such, the features that we designed for our ERC-20 NUG Token are:
- 1 NUG can always be redeemed for 1g of cannabis. Holders always know how much their money is worth!
- NUG is compliant with user identity and privacy regulations in the USA: KYC, AML, and HIPAA
- Seed-to-sale tracking regulations are coming. Seed-to-sale identifiers can be cryptographically embedded into NUG transactions, making this data permanent.
- The dispensary doesn’t need to know the user’s Ethereum address. We maximally protect the user’s privacy.
- Users can easily send NUG as a gift card to their friends, either as e-mail or printout.
We realized that the most difficult part of creating NUG was driving users to it. A generic cannabis gift card with a stable value is an interesting concept, but we wanted to do better. We decided to create a new kind of massively multiplayer farming game in the browser, powered by a mix of traditional tech and Ethereum.
Imagine a game like Stardew Valley, but oriented towards cross-breeding different cannabis strains. Unique plants and their genetics are tracked on Ethereum using our ERC-721 FLOWER tokens. FLOWERs can be planted on a beautiful massively multiplayer 2D game board. You can claim land using fences, plant several FLOWERs together, watch them flourish, cross-breed them to obtain new visually unique FLOWERs, and then finally harvest them to obtain rewards such as in-game items and NUG tokens. Since the game is multiplayer, you can also cross-breed your FLOWERs with other players, to obtain surprising new combinations. Different FLOWERs thrive in different biomes, and their growth is affected by access to water and nutrients. Some FLOWERs are supernatural, and prefer to grow on extreme climates like lava or ice.
As we get Flowerpatch built out, players will be able to build structures, progress through tech trees, customize the landscape, trade items, and form economies. We want Flowerpatch to be an evolving game, driven by community involvement. We will take feedback very seriously, and use that as the primary method of setting our roadmap. In order to make the game world permanent while still remaining flexible for change, major Flowerpatch updates will be released in the form of new islands added to the game world as well as a logical progression of “ages”. This lets us preserve historical island communities as they form, while evolving the game mechanics at the same time.
Here’s a link to the Nugbase Whitepaper.
Happy 420,
–Nugbase Team